What this means is that there may be some issues with importing. Now, the reason for this problem is simply because your industries aren’t able to get enough of the raw materials. If you don’t have enough of those resources, this is something that can be imported. There are times where raw materials will get depleted. The “Not Enough Raw Materials” IssueĪt the base of your specialized industries, you have raw materials. When I had this problem, it was because I didn’t have proper connections, so I fixed it, and the problem subsided. To make a long story short, in order for you to avoid City: Skylines'”not enough buyers” issue, you need to look over your industries and make sure they have proper connections and make sure you have enough commercial zones. Something may also be wrong with your export, and you will need to add more connections for this. So when you come across this problem, you either have too many industries or don’t have enough commercial zones. Your industries produce goods for commercial zones who are known as buyers. In industrial zones, it’s common to see “not enough buyers” for products in Cities: Skylines. Conclusion How to Deal with the “Not Enough buyers for Products” Problem